Юлия Кутюкова: дорога в большой спорт
The way to the big sports was intended for her from the cradle, because in the family where the mother is a professional volleyball player, chances of not having a sports gene are very small. Yulia Kutyukova is a successful player in the Super League of Volleyball Club Lokomotiv. Her thoughts, body and spirit are imbued with struggle, because sport is a daily work on yourself. But sometimes you have to pay for success, these are the laws of sport. After all, there are such injuries, after which you must leave it, but this is not her plot. The girl understands that after the past, her life will not be the same. What does not kill us, makes us stronger — this is the main driving principle. Today, Yulia discovers different directions, one of which is diving. Being a certified diver, she plans to improve her skills and become a true professional. But behind a strong character, hides a real creative person. Not so long ago, the girl discovered the world of fashion and beauty, and is now training to be a makeup artist.
Юлия Руднева призывает к Медицине Без Границ!
In our passing and intense time, it is very important to lend a helping hand. Yulia Rudneva Medical Center has been in top positions for more than eight years, having enlisted support and cooperation with more than 2000 partner clinics around the world. The owner of the company calls for - Medicine Without Borders! This may be the motto of the XXI century. After all, the principle of openness of international medical centers provides an opportunity to receive qualified assistance from experienced professionals in the treatment of any diseases. Today, many years later, the girl never regretted her decision. After all, her good deeds, come from the will of God, and she feels it. Today, a collaboration with the famous composer and singer Igor Shiyanov brings the results - the opening of the Sputnik production center in Moscow. A place for children and adults with a completely new musical theme. The project immediately gained success with the younger generation. An example of this is Julia’s son, who, in a very short period of time, mastered vocal and is already performing at the famous concert venues in Moscow. The premiere of his new video “My Heart Is Moscow” will be released very soon. «Producing always keeps me in a positive mood, medicine helps always to be in a great shape, communication in completely different business circles helps me to expand my horizons».
Вероника Аглашевич & Aglashay Family
Businesswoman, founder of the family center AGLASHAY Family, 1 Vice Miss beauty contest «Beauty of Russia» 2017 and also BEST MODEL 2017 - Veronika Aglushevich. If after that we were asked to characterize this girl with just one word, we would say “perfect”. This concept includes harmony of soul and body. She got everything - beauty, mind, charisma. But to achieve this state, the girl persistently makes a contribution to herself, without losing a minute. «Keep all… This is the most difficult. I want to do everything! And everywhere! Probably because I am very ambitious, and that’s why, I manage what many others fail. For our own purposes, we must go to victory, never stop. Only then you can achieve everything you want. My morning begins with the fact that I look at my daily plan. I carefully approach this issue, because all my deals are difficult to count - modeling, foreign languages, business projects, various courses and trainings».
Opening a family brand AGLASHAY Family was not long in coming. This is a unique center of family and relationships, whose mission is to improve relationships between loving parents and children using top methods of modern psychology.
Наталья Куприянова - ветиринар по призванию!
Veterinarian by vocation, Natalya Kupriyanova left office work behind and became a veterinarian. She told us why she loves her difficult job. Vet by vocation: «I always dreamed of working with animals. Therefore, I had no other choice but to become a veterinarian. Perhaps I needed time to finally come to this. Five years ago, I entered a second university degree - a veterinarian; now I’m almost graduating from the academy. My dream is to open my own veterinary clinic. And possibly to change the system of animal care and maintenance, which will be close to European standards. Veterinarians must have a comprehensive understanding of their patients: unlike conventional doctors, who have different specializations, a veterinarian must have a comprehensive understanding of their patients. This is what prompted me to become not only a specialist, but also a breeder in the nursery and have been breeding and working with rare Somali cats for 6 years. The modern lifestyle of a citizen requires changing traditional charters: I have been a vegetarian for 10 years now. The first reaction to this recognition is usually: “What are you eating?”. The transition to the plant side will require more efforts - but result will come soon. Traveling gives me great joy: without it I can’t imagine my life and I do it as often as possible. This is incredible luck to be able to open
the world with your own eyes».
Модель Кристина Николаева на обложке Модного Дома
У меня нет излюбленного стиля, мне нравится гибкость в подходе к работе. Я люблю работать в разных стилях и брать от каждого самое лучшее. При создании интерьера главную роль играет гармония между эстетикой и функциональностью.
Мода, как известно, капризна и непостоянна. Какие приемы сегодня актуальны, а от каких пора отказаться - знает успешный дизайнер интерьера, КРИСТИНА НИКОЛАЕВА. Не сложно убедиться, что девушка - профессионал своего дела, ведь за свои дизайнерские работы она получает сотни восторженных взглядов и благодарных отзывов. Невероятно харизматичная и яркая, Кристина разрушила стереотипы о русских дизайнерах и поделилась основными принципами ее работы.
София Белова - модель MAXIM и FHM снялась для МОДНОГО ДОМА
Having an MBA degree from Stanford University, two University degrees (economics and an English teacher diploma), study at the San Francisco Music Conservatory and the New York Film Academy, be an opera singer - is it possible? Certainly, if you are 29 years old and your name is SoFia, which means «wise». Our heroine has enough of it, because she constantly tries herself in a new business. Most recently, the girl passed competitions for such glosses as MAXIM and FHM. This decision made her to be involved in modeling. Now the girl has her own Start Up «RKey Technology». In short, the example of our heroine motivates, inspires and gives an understanding that, despite the fact that you live in the United States, homeland always stays homeland.
Валерия Филюк - Miss Beauty Summer 2018
Valeriya Filyuk is a model with an experience in collaboration with a reputable modeling agency. A healthy lifestyle, which she tries to follow constantly, playing sports and dancing “carved” her figure, making it perfect. At the age of 19, she takes part and organizes various fashion events, acts in photo sessions, participates and wins in beauty contests, including Miss Beauty Summer 2018. Shooting, participation in fashion shows - is usual schedule for the girl. Valeriya wants to travel around the world, because travel is so inspiring to her. Fashionable and stylish, she advises to replenish the wardrobe with things that reflect individuality and inner world. The girl does not change this principle and is always at the top. She doesn’t spend her spare time in vain and attends trainings with pleasure, reads books, and is interested in the psychology of positive thinking. Indeed, according to Valeriya, it is important not only the external but also the internal wealth of a person. In the near future, the girl wants to realize herself as a creative person as well as a model, and soon to become a keeper of the family hearth, bring warmth and love to the world and become truly useful to society.
Юная Веста и весна в ее сердце
From the first years of her life, Vesta used to get attention, not only from loving parents, but also brothers, because she has four of them. With such a large support group she can do everything. Girl’s life is very active - dancing, singing, drawing, all kinds of classes. Behind are three years of study in the art studio «Palitra», and now classes in choreography at the school of arts and in the vocal-jazz ensemble «Sunny Drops». Vesta is making progress not only at school, but also actively participates in talent and beauty contests. The young charm has enough victories and titles, among them - “Mini best photo model Udm. resp.”, “2 Vice mini Ural beauty 2016”, “2 Princess of the Urals”, “Best talent of Russia” and talent, nomination «Beauty of Russia», Young Miss Moscow competition “Mini Miss Moscow”, “Super Model Moscow” “1 Vice mini Russian beauty” “Young Miss Russia” 2017, finalist of the “Miracle –children” competition, participant of the international online competition in France and winner in the nomination «Folk dance Khokhloma». But, of course, the most important title for the girl was the «Mini Miss World 2018» in the international beauty contest, which took place in Vietnam. In general, the little beauty has a dream to conquer the top of the fashion business, and better with a crown «Miss Universe» on the head.
Основательница школы макияжа, Анна Стома о планах и успехе
Анна Стома — ведуший топ визажист, сертифицированый мастер международной школы макияжа в Париже, завоевавшая народную любовь после открытия собственной школы макияжа. Она гораздо больше, чем учитель для своих учеников, она - наставница. Человек с большой буквы, который со всей страстью души старается сделать этот мир лучше и помочь обрести каждой девушке уверенность и красоту.
Бренд SeeArsi: увиденное глазами Арсения
Именно этот бренд одежды был представлен на официальном мероприятии международного масштаба «Юные Таланты Прикарпатья, которое активно поддерживает глянцевое издание «Modny Dom». Раскроем секрет - новое поколение молодежи смотрит в будущее глазами «SeeArsi». Это именно та одежда, которую не только удобно носить, а и просто чувствовать себя на высоте. Но сейчас речь пойдет не о пиаре. Самое интересное во всей этой истории то, что дизайнер бренда Оля Мороз (кстати, совсем недавно дизайнер представила свою новую коллекцию на показе мод в Санкт-Петербурге и на официальной неделе моды в Одессе), разрабатывает коллекции, вдохновляясь идеями своего сына Арсения. Итак, давайте мысленно переместимся в Одессу, на один из очень «популярных» пляжей в центре города. Команда профессиональных стилистов известного в кругах fashion-индустрии фотографа, Антона Тарасюка, топ-модели Марыси Томашевской и самых ярких детей-моделей Украины очень рано собрались для того, чтобы воплотить в жизнь фотоисторию, которая вдохновила бы многих на важные поступки. Итак, кто они, главные герои съёмочного дня летней коллекции SeeArsi?